Feel Better, Be Better
Almost everyone has heard of "MAGIC MUSHROOMS", but though they may be considered magical by some... It's not magic at all, it's PSILOCYBIN.
The molecular structure of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in several varieties of mushrooms, allows it to penetrate the central nervous system and the scientific and medical experts are just beginning to understand its effects on the physical brain, the conscious mind the vast potential psilocybin has therapeutically.
Far from the stereotype long associated with psilocybin mushrooms, a plethora of scientific research findings are proving the medicinal and psychological value of this natural and highly beneficial substance, and we invite you to start your wellness journey by learning more!
With experience in Cannabinoids, Chemistry, Biology, Pharmacognosy, and the Culinary Arts, PSILOA is a group of like-minded professionals who firmly believe in, support and advocate for the use of psilocybin, both medicinally and personally. It is our consensus that the neurological, psychological and spiritual benefits of psilocybin likely make it one of the most significant natural medicines known to exist. We believe in ones’ personal right to govern their own health and well-being, and encourage the availability of safe access to psilocybin to anyone in which it will benefit.
Pharmacognosist designed microdose formularies for optimum efficacy. Custom order artistic confections that redefine “psychedelic art”. Purposefully designed teas using only all natural, organically grown ingredients that you can see and feel. And yes, deliciously decadent chocolates prepared by an experienced chocolatier!
With every product produced by PSILOA, it is our intent to reimagine and effectively demonstrate what access to psilocybin products can (and should) be! All Natural. Lab Tested. Consistent.
With every product produced by PSILOA, it is our intent to re-imagine and effectively demonstrate what access to psilocybin products can (and should) be! All Natural, Lab Tested, Consistent and Delicious!
Founded in 1986, the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization specializing in research and education. Their work develops medical, legal, and cultural shifts so people can benefit from the use of psychedelics for mental health, well-being, and inner connection.
Additionally, The Zendo Project offers professional education to communities and organizations, and provides peer support services at events to help transform psychedelic experiences – and other complex emotions – into opportunities for learning and growth. The Zendo Project also offers a collection of hotlines, manuals, organizations and websites for psychedelic support and education.
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