Feel Better, Be Better
Psychedelic drugs have been capturing the attention of doctors and patients alike, for their increasingly proven potential to effect long-lasting improvements in the mental health of people who are suffering from conditions such as treatment-resistant depression. Microdosing of psilocybin involves taking a fraction of a regular dose (a subperceptual dose) that is much lower than one would take if one wanted to "trip". Many people find microdosing psilocybin enhances one's mood, creativity, concentration, productivity, and even their ability to empathize with others. Some studies indicate a very real and significant psychological benefit from microdosing, and others like it confirm many reports of people who are able to substantially address anxiety, depression, PTSD and a myriad of other conditions successfully by microdosing psilocybin. As with any drug this is dose dependent, and physiological factors (such as metabolism), neurological factors (such as chemical imbalances or trauma) and psychological factors (such as severe depression or anxiety) play a large role in the dosage required to achieve success.
*You can find a plethora of peer-reviewed research to learn more about the benefit of psilocybin for multiple conditions on our Research page**
Produced with PSILOA Pure Crystalline Derived Exclusively From Our Specialty ENIGMA Cultivar - SOLVE YOUR PUZZLE!
Each of these decadent chocolate bars contains ten pieces of delicious scored chocolate with an average concentration of 300 mg for each piece. This kind of precise measurement is only attainable due to the medical-grade crystalline being used, and allows you to consume the exact right dosage of Psilocybin in the form of a delicious chocolate, without the unwanted (by most) mushroom taste!
Utilizing pure psilo crystalline derived from a combination of P. Azurescens and P. Cubensis species, this is the only Chocolate Bar of it's kind on the market.
Psilocybin has been found by researchers to provide various benefits for PTSD, Depression, Stress and more... including the dosage dependent, mind-altering impact. Consuming our chocolate in low to medium doses can give you a feeling of euphoria, calming your mind from excessive stress and providing relief for both your mind and body. Consuming this chocolate in higher doses will absolutely lead to a mind altering journey, but with materially less unwanted side effects due to the purity and techniques used.
Using rich components such as imported Equadorian Cacao and New Zealand Manuka Honey result in a vastly superior, gourmet quality product that has raised the bar for psilocybin infused chocolates and provides a rewarding and immersive experience.
We Heard You! Due To Popular Demand We Have Extended The Availability For This This Limited Release By 30 Days: Now Available 3/1 - 4/20
Each of these chocolate confections have the same exquisite ingredients as our traditional chocolate bars, enhanced with a tiny amount of natural vanilla bean, dusted with glitterly "sugar sparkle" and infused with 600mg of psilo crystalline total!
Impressive in both taste and appearance, we designed "GLOW UP" BARS to be a beautiful shared experience with someone of your choosing! (or an amazing act of self care for just YOU!)
Created using the psilo content specifically from a combination of the rare ENIGMA and "GHOST" (True Albino Teacher) mushrooms, these sweet divinities will have you smiling from ear to ear! In fact, and maybe amazingly... it's almost IMPOSSIBLE not to. Social, energetic and engaging, they have found the "sweet spot" with this one, and we are absolutely sure you will happily devour and love them.
It's time to Glow Up!
Ho' Opanopano is an ancient Hawaiian healing method that helps to eliminate your limiting beliefs, anger and lack of forgiveness that may be harming or limiting YOU, as well as those you love.
The word ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.” This seems like a very "zen" concept to us, and in native Hawaiian language, “pono” means balance - in the sense of “life.”
These truffles are Decadent and Divinely Delicious! The synergy of the NanoTHC and PSILO in this dosage is also notable in it's effect AND feel, and indeed seems to (in our experience) enable you to not just "feel good", but encourages you to genuinely want to be happy and just let it all go.
Relaaaaaaaaax, unwind and enjoy the brightness and beauty of life! Be grateful, get quiet, look inward and bathe in love.
EXCEPTIONAL Therapeutic Product for "breakthrough use" by trained Therapists, Psychologists or Certified Guides.
Terence McKenna coined the term “Heroic Dose” intentionally, referring specifically to the Hero's Journey (the archetypal process of personal transformation described metaphorically in so many myths and fairy tales). For many who truly seek it, the “heroic dose” is a way to encounter the ineffable and come back “changed”.
The "Heroic Journey Tea" by PSILOA is intentionally and aptly named after the well-known "heroic dose", and is guaranteed to live up to its name! Though an herbal tea, this is a very deliberate formulation produced by our Pharmacognosist, and is thoroughly based in pharmacological science.
An EXTREMELY potent combination of the rarest of PSILOA's cultivars, "38 Special" Albino Penis Envy, "Belle Dentelle" and "Enigma, have been specifically combined with highly synergistic and effect enhancing herbal elements to offer the best chance possible to achieve the desired outcome for the person taking their "journey".
Specifically selected, high quality imported Saffron Threads and Sassafrass Bark are combined with freshly dried Japanese Lotus Leaf, Passionflower, Elderflower, Lavender, Hibiscus, Ginger and Lemon to offer you a wonderous experience from first taste to final effect!
May You Find What You Seek.
EXCEPTIONAL Integration Product for "breakthrough & spiritual use", especially if one is practiced in meditation/integration or assisted by an experienced and trained Therapist/Guide.
Ho'Opanopano is an ancient Hawaiian healing method that helps to eliminate your limiting beliefs, anger and lack of forgiveness that may be harming or limiting YOU, as well as those you love. In the native Hawaiian language, the word ho’oponopono roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance” or to “make things right.”
"The Sacred" Integrative Tea is aptly named after the spiritual practice of Ho'Opanopano. A potent combination of the very rare and highly prized ENIGMA cubensis strain with the also rare YETI and well-known Golden Teacher mushrooms. Freshly dried Hawaiian hibiscus and ripened mango, along with other natural and widely utilized "spiritual" herbs such as imported Saffron Threads and select Sassafrass Bark, have been specifically included in the formulary for this tea to induce the "state" sought for high awakening, spiritual development and interpersonal integration.
"So proudly my Ego walked in carrying all of my pain and resentment, but alas could not stand under the fire of the light and fled ... now there is only I. Full of forgiveness for myself and for you, I walk forward in gratitude."
This tea is... amazing.
1 gram, 2 gram or 3 gram Tea Bags with choice of freshly harvested Golden Teacher, Amazonian, A.P.E., P.E., Trinity, Pink Buffalo, YETI. On very rare occasions, the elusive (and extremely potent) Enigma and Belle Dentelle mushrooms may also be available in our teas, and any mushroom variety offered is always blended with delicious, and freshly hand picked and dried, herbs, fruits and spices for an enjoyable and healthy experience!
We are EXTREMELY particular about the preparation and components included in all our teas, and upon simply opening the tea bag to take a peek this will be is visibly obvious before you even steep the tea!
Exquisite quality.
An Elegantly Delectable New Definition of Psychedelic Art
Though psilocybin DETECTION is possible, this test is NOT suitable to analyze the psilocybin concentration in edible products, which requires HPLC analysis.
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